set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [] @ ASPIC JELLY Proceed as if making a stock. Place the meat in 3 quarts of cold water, bring to a boil, skimming regularly. Once the foam has disappeared, add the vegetables, the bouquet garni and the spices. Simmer for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Put through a fine mesh sieve. Place the unclear stock back onto the heat and bring to a boil. Crush the egg, with its shell, in the stock. Boil, stirring constantly, until the stock turns clear. Put through a fine mesh sieve, then through a wet cloth. Check the seasoning. The aspic jelly has to be highly-seasoned to keep its flavor when cold. Reduce the quantity by boiling down the aspic jelly. When cool and on the verge of setting, the aspic jelly will be ready for use. @ For 1 quart of aspic jelly: 1 calfŐs foot 1 lb stewing beef (silver side) 2 shallots 2 onions 5 carrots 1 egg 1 bouquet garni salt, pepper 2 cloves @ 15 mn @ 80 mn @ For aspic jelly for poultry, replace beef, with a chicken carcass and giblets. For fish aspic jelly, use white fish bones. @ @ Sauces @ @ @